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UFS solution: high-performance storage solution

Time:2020-11-21   Visits:2508

Shenzhen Angke Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 873207), a professional IC burner manufacturer, has launched Universal Flash Storage (UFS) dedicated engineering and mass-produced burners, as well as automated programming equipment. The newly launched new generation burner integrates the design and application of the UFS system, and is suitable for R&D, product verification, and factory small batch and mass production requirements.

Reliable storage with low power consumption and high performance

UFS 解决方案:高性能存储解决方案

UFS is an advanced high-performance interface designed for computing and mobile systems such as smartphones and tablets that require the lowest power consumption.

The main difference between the eUFS/UFS card and the eMMC/SD card based on the signal architecture in the past is its high-reliability, high-speed, low-power serial interface.

In view of the high performance and high reliability of UFS, Samsung has seen its application in the mobile phone market. Samsung will continue to meet the industry's increasing storage needs by launching a variety of advanced UFS products, while more thoroughly addressing the growing demand for cutting-edge memory solutions in other market segments.

eUFS-Ultra-fast embedded storage solution to replace eMMC

UFS improves the read and write performance of flash memory in two ways. First of all, unlike eMMC, UFS has two dedicated channels dedicated to reading and writing data, allowing simultaneous reading/writing of data streams. The second advantage of UFS is the command queue, which can achieve the highest performance and throughput through efficient read and write command grouping and sorting (resorting).

UFS 解决方案:高性能存储解决方案

UFS card-a memory card 70 times faster than an SD card

Samsung UFS cards are designed for advanced applications that require high-speed and large-capacity external storage, such as 4K/8K video recording, 360-degree virtual reality (VR), RAW images, and high-end mobile devices.

The dimensions of UFS are similar to standard microSD (11x15mm), and its design can use both UFS card and microSD card in the same combination socket.

UFS 解决方案:高性能存储解决方案

The UFS card supports a high-speed serial interface and a separate TX/RX line, so it can transmit data between the host system and the UFS storage device at the same time, thereby realizing more efficient multitasking.

UFS 解决方案:高性能存储解决方案

uMCP-a single chip solution with UFS and DRAM embedded

As mentioned earlier, UFS is replacing eMMC with its superior performance and lower power consumption, so the industry needs a single-chip solution based on UFS technology.

Samsung’s flagship product GX128.48 uMCP is one of the highest performance products currently available. It combines DRAM and NAND flash technology into the same half-height small-size package while combining 128 GB of UFS-based fourth-generation NAND flash memory With 6 GB of LPDDR4X DRAM.

The following is a performance comparison between uMCP and eMCP in three user experience (UX) scenarios.

UFS 解决方案:高性能存储解决方案

* UFS-universal flash memory * eMMC-embedded multimedia card * uMCP-multi-chip package based on UFS * DRAM-dynamic random access memory

* LPDDR4X-4th generation ultra-low power double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory * eMCP-Embedded multi-layer package chip

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