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Acroview Universal Programmer Update Programming of Flash-based CMOS Microcontroller PIC10F206 with

Time:2023-02-28   Visits:2918

Acroview Technology, the leader of the chip programming industry, recently released the latest burning software update and the list of newly supported chip models. Acroview released the software update to support the burning of the flash memory based CMOS microcontroller PIC10F206 of Microchip programmer microchip technology, which has been supported by Onco's general programming platform AP8000.

PIC10F206 is a low-cost, high-performance, 8-bit, full-static, flash-based CMOS microcontroller. They adopt RISC architecture, with only 33 single-word/single-cycle instructions. All instructions are single-cycle (1s). Except for program branch, it needs two cycles. The performance of PIC10F206 equipment is one order of magnitude higher than that of competitors in the same price category. The 12-bit wide instruction is highly symmetrical. Compared with other 8-bit microcontrollers of the same kind, it produces a typical 2:1 code compression, and the easy-to-use and memory-based instruction set significantly reduces the development time.

PIC10F206 is equipped with special functions to reduce system costs and power requirements. Power-on reset (POR) and device reset timer (DRT) eliminate the need for external reset circuits. The INTRC internal oscillator mode is provided, thus retaining a limited number of available I/O. Energy-saving sleep mode, watchdog timer and code protection function improve the system cost, power and reliability.

Microchip Programmer

High-performance RISC CPU:

• Only 33 single-word instructions need to be learned

• All single-cycle instructions, except program branches, are double-cycle.

• 12-bit width command

• 2-layer deep hardware stack

• Direct, indirect and relative addressing modes of data and instructions

• 8-bit wide data path

• Eight special function hardware registers

• Operating speed

-4MHz internal clock

- 1 μ Instruction cycle of s

Special microcontroller features

• 4MHz precision internal oscillator

-Calibration is ± 1%.

• Online serial programming ™ (ICSP ™)

• Online debugging (ICD) support

• Power-on reset (POR)

• Device reset timer (DR T)

• Watchdog timer (WDT) with dedicated on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation

• Programmable code protection

• Multiplexed MCLR input pin

• Internal weak pull-up function of I/O pin

• Power-saving sleep mode

• Wake up from sleep when pin changes

Low power consumption characteristics/CMOS technology

• Operating current

- < 175 μ A@2V , 4MHz, typical

• Standby current

-  100nA@2V , typical value

• Low-power, high-speed flash technology

-100000 lightning hold times

->40 years retention

• Fully static design

• Wide working voltage range: 2.0V to 5.5V

• Wide temperature range

-Industrial: - 40 ℃ to+85 ℃

-Expansion: - 40 ℃ to+125 ℃

Peripheral functions

• Four I/O pins

-Three I/O pins have independent direction control

-One input-only pin

-High current injection/source for direct drive LED

-Wake up on change

-Weak pull-up function

• 8-bit real-time clock/counter (TMR0) with 8-bit programmable prescaler

• One comparator

-Internal absolute voltage reference

-The inputs of the two comparators are visible externally

-The output of the comparator is visible externally

chip programming

Internal block diagram

The host supports USB and NET connections, allowing multiple programmers to be networked, so as to control multiple programmers to burn at the same time. The built-in chip safety protection circuit ensures that even if the chip is reversed or the short circuit caused by other reasons can be detected immediately and power off to ensure the safety of the chip and programmer. Embedded high-speed FPGA greatly accelerates data transmission and processing. There is an SD card slot on the back of the host computer. Put the project files produced by PC software into the root directory of the SD card and insert them into the slot. You can select, load, and execute the commands such as burning the project files by pressing the keys on the programmer to achieve the purpose of operating without the PC, greatly reducing the cost of PC hardware configuration, and quickly and conveniently matching the working environment.

The AP8000 makes the host more scalable by adding an adapter board to the backplane. At present, it has supported all devices produced by mainstream semiconductor manufacturers, including TI, ST, MicroChip, Atmel, Hynix, Macronix, Micron, Samsung, Toshiba, etc. Supported device types include NAND, NOR, MCU, CPLD, FPGA, EMMC, and other file formats including Intel Hex, Motorola S, Binary, POF, etc.

About Acroview

About microchip technology: MicroChip, founded in 1989, is the world's leading supplier of single-chip and analog semiconductors, providing low-risk product development and lower total system cost for thousands of consumer products worldwide. The company develops and manufactures special semiconductor products for customers to use in various embedded control applications, including industrial, automotive, consumer, aerospace Several customers in the defense and communications and computing markets provide services. In 2016, microchip technology, an American chipmaker, announced its acquisition of Atmel for US $3.6 billion.

About ACROVIEW Technology: ACROVIEW is the Global Leader of Semiconductor Automatic Programming Solutions. The company insists on changing the world with technology, driving the future with intelligence, and continuously creating value for customers. Acroview's AP8000 universal programmer platform and the latest IPS5000 Automatic programming solution provide one-stop solutions for customers in the semiconductor and electronic manufacturing fields. The company has served such global leading customers as Huawei, BYD and Foxconn.

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